Last year we had the honour of hearing so many talented women - leaders at the forefront of healthcare technology speak.
What an amazing time we all had!
This year we aim to do better!
Join us and 5000 other women at GIANT Health Event 2020!
This month of March we offer all women a discounted ticket of £39 per ticket giving you full access to our event and this includes direct pre-event engagement with entire health-tech exhibitor community.
Explore partnerships, business deals and new leads. Discover innovations and make connections that matter.
Do you need help on your journey to DTAC compliance? Healthcare Innovation Consortium one-day workshop covers everything you need to know.
Benefit from five one-hour consultancy sessions with market experts focusing on #DTACcompliance, #clinicalsafety, frameworks, and legal support.
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AI assistant Dora developed by Ufonia eases NHS pressure in cataract care.
The AI-powered tool is currently being used by nine hospital trusts, mainly in the south of England.
Read more in BBC latest interview here.