GIANT Health's Hospital Ambassadors Program
About GIANT Health
Our vision is to improve the health and well-being of people across the UK, by facilitating - throughout the NHS - innovation and the adoption of new technologies, and supporting health-tech entrepreneurs and investors.
GIANT Health is the leading, rapidly expanding UK community (of over 345,000 people) of NHS leaders, clinicians, and “everyone who's business is health, tech, and innovation in the UK.”
The GIANT (Global Innovation and New Technology) Health Event is the UK’s leading, unmissable annual NHS innovation festival; with 6+ “shows within the festival”. We invite you to come meet, network, learn, and do business with 100s of world-class speakers, experience immersive innovation presentations, see the UK’s leading health-tech start-ups pitching to investors, and more.

Examples of recent speakers on stage at GIANT Health events include:
- Dame Barbara Hakin - Former Deputy CEO, NHS
- Lord James O'Shaughnessy – former British Government Minister for Health
- Maria Caulfield - Women’s Health Minister For England
- Dame Lesley Regan - Women’s Health Ambassador for England and Professor of Obstetrics at Imperial College London.
- Professor Asif Ahmed - Founder and first Chancellor: Aston University Medical School
- Dr Rima Makarem - ICB Chair, Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes,
- Mairead McCormick - CEO, Kent NHS Hospital Trust
- Professor David Loughton CBE - Chief Executive the Royal Wolverhampton Hospital and Walsall Healthcare NHS Trusts
- Amanda Begley - Co-founder and National Director for the NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA)
- Dr Henrietta Hughes - NHS National Patient Safety Commissioner
About GIANT Health’s “Hospital Ambassador programme”
The goal of GIANT Health’s Hospital Ambassador Programme is
- to learn about the needs of NHS Hospital leaders and clinicians regarding how innovation and new technologies are adopted,
- To research and identify all NHS Hospital leaders and clinicians who are interested in innovation and technology, and
- to recruit everyone in these categories, to attend the GIANT Health Event 2024 (for free - all healthcare workers can attend GIANT for free).
Many 1000s of people work in UK hospitals - who are interested in innovation and new technologies - don't know about The GIANT Health Event (now in our 11th year). For example many NHS clinicians and hospital leaders are not necessarily active on LinkedIn. However the 100s and 100s of NHS hospital staff, doctors, and nurses who attend The GIANT Health Event each year tell us they found it extremely worthwhile for their jobs and career.
Each Hospital Ambassador will be assigned to one hospital, and will be provided with all the necessary training, a list of tasks and activities, and all the ongoing guidance and support needed.

Benefits for the Hospital Ambassadors
By joining the GIANT Health “Hospital Ambassador” programme you will gain an exciting, valuable experience within an ambitious, dynamic, innovative business. You will be required to assume high levels of responsibility, and will have access to senior, successful NHS leaders, consultant level clinicians, and professionals in business and technology
You will have various responsibilities, gaining new experiences and learning across a broad spectrum of business and healthcare. This will contribute positively to your career prospects.
Additional benefits
- Build your personal network and stature / reputation in your hospital.
- Learn more than you would otherwise about NHS Hospital management, procurement (how and why things are purchased - or not - in your hospital)
- Being a GIANT Health “Hospital Ambassador” is a reason to meet senior hospital leaders which you otherwise may not have.
- Be part of a credible, established, national network of NHS leaders and health-sector business people - “everyone whose business is health, innovation, and technology”
Instructions for GIANT Health’s Hospital Ambassadors are here
To apply to be a GIANT Health “Hospital Ambassador” please email