Synthetic control arms in clinical trials: Making it happen
Can combining #AI tech & #RWD hold the key to overcoming challenges in #clinicaltrial design?
Join Sensyne Health on 24th February 2:00 p.m. GMT as experts discuss the application of #SyntheticControlArms – a new way of approaching clinical trials.
Do you need help on your journey to DTAC compliance? Healthcare Innovation Consortium one-day workshop covers everything you need to know.
Benefit from five one-hour consultancy sessions with market experts focusing on #DTACcompliance, #clinicalsafety, frameworks, and legal support.
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AI assistant Dora developed by Ufonia eases NHS pressure in cataract care.
The AI-powered tool is currently being used by nine hospital trusts, mainly in the south of England.
Read more in BBC latest interview here.