Women’s Health Technology Show 2024

The Women’s Health Technology Show
10th December 2024

The Women’s Health Technology Show,
2024. London, England.

Meet the leading global experts and innovators in new technologies to detect, diagnose, and manage Women’s Health conditions. Women’s HealthTech Show is for anyone passionately committed to improving health outcomes for women. This event will showcase the innovative technologies being developed to help fast-track the application of solutions to Women’s Health problems.

The Women’s Health Technology Show - Agenda 2024



10:00 - 10:10

Welcome from our Chairperson


Professor Shafi Ahmed,
Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, Barts Health NHS Trust

10:10 - 11:00

From Med to MedTech: Adapting the Art of Caregiving in the Digital Revolution

The United Kingdom's healthcare system is at a pivotal juncture and its future hinges on developing and integrating digital fluency within its medical workforce. This panel discussion explores the need for healthcare professionals to build a robust set of digital skills and knowledge of implementing health technology so they are well-equipped to navigate the evolving digital landscape effectively. Empowering clinicians with proper training and educational tools is pivotal to advancing digital health systems. This panel session, chaired by Dr. Tazeen Rizvi and joined by a group of clinical leaders, will discuss the need, opportunity, and challenges of developing a digital healthcare workforce.

Welcome from our Chairperson


Dr. Tazeen Rizvi,
Director, Xeven Solutions LTD

11:00 - 11:25

Female-specific and gynaecological cancers

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers diagnosed globally and whilst gynaecological cancers affect a smaller proportion of women, its effects are just as devastating. For many, cancer is detected at a very late stage and so this show aims to showcase the technologies currently being manufactured to detect, diagnose and treat this illness earlier and at a faster rate.
11:25 - 13:00

Fertility care

Infertility affects an estimated 186 million individuals globally and many more struggle to conceive. Many technologies are now in place and constantly being developed to aid individuals and couples on their journey.

13:00 - 14:30

Lunch and networking

14:30 - 15:15

15:15 - 16:00

16:00 - 17:00

Meet our 2023 speakers

Giant Health Speaker

Lizz Summers,

Head of Brand & Marketing, Medico Digital

Giant Health Speaker

Sylvia Stevenson,

Founder, Absolute Diversity

Giant Health Speaker

Dr. MaryAnn Ferreux,

Medical Director, Health Innovation Kent Surrey Sussex

Giant Health Speaker

Lina Chan,

Holland & Barrett General Manager Wellness Ventures and CEO, Founder at Parla

Giant Health Speaker

Bridget Gorham,

Health Economic Partnerships Lead, NHS Confederation

Giant Health Speaker

Sarah Henry,

Race & Ethnicity Trainer, Counsellor

Giant Health Speaker

Karina Vazirova,

Co-Founder & CEO, Femtech Lab

Giant Health Speaker

Melisa Guven,

Associate, Monograph Capital

Giant Health Speaker

Dr. Heather Duncan,

Chief Medical Officer, Isansys Lifecare

Giant Health Speaker

Rana Ersgard,

Deputy CEO, Beetroot AB

Giant Health Speaker

Dr Raj Arora,


Giant Health Speaker

Jenny Partridge,

Innovation Manager, Health Innovation Kent Surrey Sussex

Giant Health Speaker

Katherine Church,

Women’s Health Tech expert

Giant Health Speaker

Victoria Betton,

UCD and service design expert

Giant Health Speaker

Liz Ashall Payne,


Giant Health Speaker

Heather Wade,

Menopause X

Giant Health Speaker

Leila Thabet,

Vice-President of Global Growth at Maven Clinic

Giant Health Speaker

Natasha Phillips,

Founder of Future Nurse, Former Chief Nursing Information Officer for England

Giant Health Speaker

Wendy Powell,

CEO and Founder of MUTU Systems

Giant Health Speaker

Dr. Helen O'Neill,

CEO & Founder of Hertility Health

Giant Health Speaker

Teodora Popa

Scientist (Fertility and Genetics)

UCL and Evewell

Giant Health Speaker

Dr. Heather Duncan,

Chief Medical Officer, Isansys Lifecare

Giant Health Speaker

Lesley Soden,

DirectorDirector, Succoris Ltd

Giant Health Speaker

Kelly Klifa,

CEO & Co-Founder of Ally Health

Giant Health Speaker

Tatiana Klimanova,

Accelerator Director, FemTech Lab

Giant Health Speaker

Kayleigh Hartigan,

Founder and CEO, Fertility Mapper

Giant Health Speaker

Monica Franklin,

Senior Project Manager, Perinatal Pelvic Health Service - South East London ICS

Giant Health Speaker

Sara Nelson,

Programme Director, DigitalHealth.London

Giant Health Speaker

Bella D’Almeida,

Clinical Lead, Sussex PPHS

Giant Health Speaker

Monique Carayol,

Founder and Managing Director of Your New Avenue

Giant Health Speaker

Elina Navydenoa,

CEO and Co-founder of Feebris

The Women’s Health Technology Show

This is one of the UK’s leading conferences showcasing the innovative technology being developed for women’s health care.
Highlighting the potential of technologies to fast-track solutions to women’s health problems is a key ambition to help reduce the unequal burden of disease women experience.

In the UK, women’s health technology is a rapidly growing sector within healthcare. According to NHS Digital’s 2022 report, greater total costs of patient level activity were related to women than men. Women spend a significantly longer proportion of their lives in ill health and disability when compared with men. Despite this, women are still underrepresented in medical research. Like many other female-specific conditions, research has shown that a lack of menopausal awareness and support for women in the workforce is costing the UK economy £10 billion annually due to affected individuals taking time off and leaving the workforce.
The government’s first Women’s Health Strategy for England was released last year to highlight and reverse the health inequalities and unequal disease burden women experience. Technology plays a key role in fast-tracking the improvement of women’s health outcomes. This show will champion and educate attendees on the technological innovation in women’s health, inspiring more creation and advances in the field.

Who is this conference for?

The Women’s Health Tech Show is for all women’s healthcare workers in the UK, innovators and forward-thinking women’s health sector leaders from the healthcare sector, science, technology, and academia; everyone who is passionately committed to improving women’s health.

If you are involved or interested in women's health and tech innovation, this show is for you.

Why attend?

‘This is the UK’s leading MUST ATTEND event for everyone involved in innovation and providing healthcare services in women’s health.

  • Network with high-profile individuals in women’s health
  • Engage with the women’s health technology community
  • Share knowledge with experts in the field
  • Learn about the pertinent issues in women’s health and how technology can help solve them
  • Meet potential customers and buyers

Types of companies this show is for:

Click here for
sponsorship opportunities

The Women’s Health Tech Show is for any companies involved in improving the detection, diagnosis and treatment of women’s health conditions, specifically in the area of:

  • Menstrual health and gynaecological conditions
  • Female-specific and gynaecological cancers
  • Fertility care
  • Maternal health
  • Pelvic floor health
  • Menopause