Digital transformation and disruptive tech

Digital transformation and disruptive tech

For leaders, innovators and change-makers in this industry

Companies leading this conference
conference agenda
Time Session Name Speakers Session description
9:00 - 9:15 AI enabled point of care breath test for the management and diagnosis of asthma Hanya Ahmed, Senior software engineer, Applied Nanodetectors Ltd Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) continue to become more prevalent in healthcare. It is being applied to point of care (POC) testing to speed up the diagnosis. Asthma is a worldwide burden costing billions in hospital admissions and treatment. This is why Applied Nanodetectors Ltd has developed the world's first medical device, Exhale-Dx™ Diagnosis and Exhale-Dx™ Self-management (, designed for asthma with an integrated AI predictive model to diagnosis and predict asthma attacks 3 days in advance. AI has never been used in medicine in this way before. Exhale-Dx™ will have a dramatic impact across the world, not only to potentially stop 25% of the 176 million asthma attacks worldwide but also save over the 450,000 people die from asthma annually.
9:15 - 9:45 Technology Innovations in Healthcare Andy Ramgobin, Principal Technology Evangelist, Technimove
9:45 - 10:30

Launching Digital Health products, the do's and don'ts

Kolvin Stone, Partner - Head of Technology , Fox Williams
Melinda Nicci, CEO/Founder, Body Collective
Michael Geer, Co-founder, Humanity
Anna Freeman, Founder & CEO, ZavFit
10:30 - 11:30 Coffee Break and Networking
11:30 - 12:00 Innovating in Healthcare – Microsoft Session Hema Purohit, Chief Architect and CTO Healthcare (EMEA), Microsoft  
12:00 - 12:30

Getting started with HoloLens in Healthcare

Phil Moore, Digital Innovation Lead – Public Sector, Insight It's likely you've heard of HoloLens and maybe even spoken with colleagues who have been trialling/testing them for different types of clinical and non-clinical scenarios. But what actually is it? What is it being successfully used for in Healthcare? and how do you get started? Join us today for this short session which should hopefully answer these questions for you and give you a clear understanding of your next steps if you want to investigate Mixed Reality in Healthcare.

Agenda (30 minutes WIP)
- Introduction to HoloLens (What, hardware, first party software)
- Healthcare use cases (Why, include case study, examples)
- Key considerations (Technical, Business, Readiness)
- Call to action (How to get started, Where Insight can help)


Digital Therapeutics (DTx) are transforming the standard of care and potentially closing the gap in prevention and treatment.

This fast-growing billion USD market and the opportunity it presents to improve personalized health outcomes at scale has ignited interest from different health care stakeholders, including pharma, who have started to explore this space through investments and strategic partnerships.


Some of the questions that the session will address are:

  1. What will it take to scale DTx across different countries?
  2. Which business models may prove to be most successful?
  3. How can pharma leverage technology to improve the real-world performance drugs and create stand-alone DTx intervention?
  4. What will it take for payers to adopt DTx, and how will they pay?
Who is this conference for?

We invite you to be part of and engage in inspiring discussions with our speakers, innovators, and change-makers in this industry.

No matter what you specialise in, whether your company is already building groundbreaking digital therapeutics, or you hope to invest in those who do, or if you are simply want to find the best solutions for your clients and patients, this event is for you.

why should i attend this conference?

Join us to hear first-hand cases and examples from leading global DTx, pharma, insurers, and digital innovators.

As they demonstrate new commercial models to accelerate clinical trials, novel value chains, service offerings, patient engagement strategies, and strategic partnerships that have led to market success or lessons learned, as well as different business and reimbursement models.
