
New York's Single-Payer Healthcare Bill Remains A Disastrous Idea

New York's Single-Payer Healthcare Bill Remains A Disastrous Idea

New York Democrats hope that 2021 is the year socialized medicine finally arrives in the Empire State. Senator Gustavo Rivera, the chairman of the state Senate Health Committee, is reportedly planning to introduce the New York Health Act, which would ban private insurance and force all New Yorkers onto a government-run healthcare plan. State lawmakers have tried and failed to advance the bill on several occasions. But Rivera, its lead sponsor, believes that this time could be different, with a friendly administration in Washington. New Yorkers should watch the goings-on in Albany carefully. A government takeover of the state's health insurance system would be extraordinarily costly and force patients to endure lengthy waits for care. It's the last thing the state should contemplate in the midst of an historic public health crisis. The legislation's supporters see things differently. From their perspective, Covid-19 has made it more important than ever for the government to guarantee health coverage by providing it directly. Rivera points to many of his low-income constituents in the Bronx, who are more likely to suffer from multiple chronic conditions than other New Yorkers. That elevated their risk of serious illness or death at the hands of the coronavirus.

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Three Ways To Leverage Predictive Analytics In Healthcare Marketing

Three Ways To Leverage Predictive Analytics In Healthcare Marketing

Healthcare consumers have the world at their fingertips as they make medical decisions. They do their research, educate themselves and take charge of their decision-making in ways that weren’t possible before online search became the go-to for knowledge acquisition. And as they search online, whether they know it or not, their data is being collected. Every search initiated and every click made impacts future experience. Online consumers want search results to be fully on point with what they’re looking for, and that’s possible thanks to massive banks of data and the algorithms that interpret that data. Predictive analytics tools detect patterns in the data that uncover surprisingly accurate pictures of consumers and what they need. The information is collected continuously. Until recently, only large hospital marketing teams had access to healthcare predictive analytics due to the high cost and complexity of using the data. Today, however, cutting-edge technologies provided by companies like mine make it possible for practices and hospitals of any size to use predictive data in their marketing efforts. That means you can tap into that big data to identify the patients you want, target them in critical moments and optimize your marketing spend. By doing so, you can also improve the experience for healthcare consumers.

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Healthcare Holdups, Death-By-Pilot, And The Scourge Of Incrementalism

Healthcare Holdups, Death-By-Pilot, And The Scourge Of Incrementalism

True story: When I was a medical student, many of the patients I saw on rounds each morning had a lot of questions for me. Inevitably, however, they forgot to ask some of them. In the afternoons, I’d often pass a nurse in the hallway who would say something like, “Patient X says she’d like you to come back to her room because she forgot to ask you something.” Often, when I went back to visit Patient X, she’d say something like, “Oh, yes, I had a question about what you said this morning…But I forgot what it was.”

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IBM Watson: Why Is Healthcare AI So Tough?

IBM Watson: Why Is Healthcare AI So Tough?

A pivotal event for AI happened when IBM’s Watson beat two all-time champions of Jeopardy! in 2011. This showed that the technology was far from being experimental. IBM would soon go on to make Watson the centerpiece of its AI strategy. And a big part of this was to focus on healthcare. To this end, the company made several major acquisitions and boosted the headcount of data scientists. But despite all this, the effort ultimately proved to be a disappointment. Keep in mind that IBM is now exploring the sale of the Watson healthcare business, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal.

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Have you seen 10 Episode | Season 3 of GIANT's Healthy Innovators Live TV Show on our Youtube channel?

Have you seen 10 Episode | Season 3 of GIANT's Healthy Innovators Live TV Show on our Youtube channel?

Join us today for Episode 10 | Season 3 of Healthy Innovators Live TV on our Youtube channel. Host: Barry Shrier, Founder and CEO, GIANT Health A big thank you to our valuable guests: Denise Silber, Emcee - Speaker -…

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Microsoft Is Rapidly Expanding Its Presence In Healthcare

Microsoft Is Rapidly Expanding Its Presence In Healthcare

Healthcare has grown exponentially in the last decade— the last few years especially witnessing large industry titans enter the space. Microsoft, which continues to be a staple name in nearly every industry, has been heavily investing in its healthcare offerings. As healthcare increasingly emphasizes efficiency and is becoming more receptive to technology, the company is doubling down and rapidly expanding its presence in the field. Last year, Microsoft expanded its cloud services into healthcare, providing the “capabilities to manage health data at scale and make it easier for healthcare organizations to improve the patient experience, coordinate care, and drive operational efficiency, while helping support end-to-end security, compliance, and interoperability of health data.”

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Swecare's task is to respond to the great interest shown by foreign actors in Swedish healthcare

Swecare's task is to respond to the great interest shown by foreign actors in Swedish healthcare

"Our task is to respond to the great interest shown by foreign actors in Swedish healthcare, by offering a space for both the private and public sectors to interact, in order to collaborate on solutions related to Swedish innovation and…

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Healthcare Revolution In The Platform Economy

Healthcare Revolution In The Platform Economy

If there is any industry worthy of platform innovation and disruption, it’s the healthcare industry. Advancements in inpatient care, unit productivity and service accessibility can be the difference between life and death. If the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that the healthcare industry must constantly build, prepare and plan for the unexpected — lives depend on it. This sense of urgency can and should be used to fuel innovation and change across the healthcare industry.

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25th March 2021, Barclays  Eagle Labs  HealthTech are holding their next virtual event

25th March 2021, Barclays Eagle Labs HealthTech are holding their next virtual event

Based on understanding Health Tech commercialisation and scaling a successful business. The event will be led by guest speaker, Kam Pooni. Kam Pooni is a seasoned professional with a unique background of 20 years in starting up, managing and growing Pharmaceutical…

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How The Pandemic Flipped The Default In Healthcare

How The Pandemic Flipped The Default In Healthcare

The coronavirus pandemic has upended our lives in so many ways. And while it’s not easy to find a bright side, one silver lining of the pandemic has to be the prevailing switch to a “digital first” mentality in healthcare. While health systems used to approach digital care with risk aversion and resistance to change, remote models are increasingly becoming the standard of care. (In all kinds of work, the switch to remote doesn’t appear to be going anywhere.)

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Hlthie is an insurtech startup building the UK’s first truly #digitalhealth insurance product targeting the self employed & SMEs

Hlthie is an insurtech startup building the UK’s first truly #digitalhealth insurance product targeting the self employed & SMEs

Amit is the Founder of Hlthie, an insurtech startup building the UK’s first truly digital health insurance product. He is one of the Top 100 Asian Stars in UK Technology 2020. Until April 2019, Amit was Director of New Ventures at Bupa.…

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COVID-19: Digital health trends & 2021 opportunities report

COVID-19: Digital health trends & 2021 opportunities report

05 Jan 2021 COVID-19: Digital health trends & 2021 opportunities report 2020 saw health and care services accelerate digital adoption plans, as they established new ways to deliver services. But what trends emerged and what is predicted for the latest national lockdown and the rest of 2021? As ORCHA supplies health app libraries to 50% of NHS England regions and health bodies in eleven countries across the world, we have unique insight. Each quarter since March 2020, we have shared our findings, revealing the needs and behaviours of the public and health professionals. Download our latest report, where we look back over 2020 and look ahead to 2021. Discover: Which health issues were people most commonly using apps for in 2020? How did this change over time? Which apps were most popular amongst health professionals? What lies ahead for 2021?

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