Simple, Clear and Accurate: Good design for home test kits

Simple, Clear and Accurate: Good design for home test kits


Covid-19 has propelled the need for remote health solutions within and beyond the public health sector, empowering us all with a renewed interest in self-care and health awareness. We have a new drive to monitor, understand, and access the tools that present us with a degree of control in improving our health and fitness, and this need is being met by a rapidly growing market of self-health solutions from personalized supplements right through to mental well-being and digital health apps.


At the forefront of expanding at-home healthcare is a critical one - the home testing kit. Not only is this a great self-empowerment tool but it’s also an exciting crossing point where data research, and public health services can also benefit and interact in the customer journey to further enrich the healthcare experience.


At home kits make it more likely that someone will monitor their health due to the convenience, and comfort of conducting a test in a place they feel safe in, and at a time that suits them. But an overly complicated test can also lead an individual to forgo at-home kits or perform the test incorrectly. Ensuring ease of use and simplicity of instructions is essential for the administration and safe return of a kit for analysis and a well-designed kit can cut down on user errors and contamination.


So here are Burgopak’s rules to success when designing a simple, clear, and accurate home test kit delivery:


  1. Keep it simple

Tests consists of multiple components and sometimes some overly complicated medical communications that can alienate the consumer or create a nerve wracking and clinical experience. When planning your kit think of the pain points that can make the test most complicated and look for the opportunities to make ease of use simpler. Do away with unnecessary jargon, keep your language plain but your instructions specific. A well-planned test kit should be easy to administer with minimum fuss and it should hopefully be a fun experience too!


  1. Build a journey

Direct your customer from one step to the next with visual sign posting and mapping. Knowing what to do next doesn’t need to be complicated. Map out your packaging as if it’s a miniature in-house lab, with numbers, compartments, cut-outs and inserts to lead consumers step-by-step through the process. Not only does this make for a smoother process, but it also enriches the experience, making it feel less clinical and more inviting. It will also increase accuracy of administration and help with reliability of your test results.


  1. Reduce failed tests

Unclear instructions and poorly organised contents can lead to mistakes during testing and returning samples, and in the worst-case scenario can deter someone from even completing a test. A well-planned packaging solution can reduce the chance of a false test by ensuring instructions are easily followed and no steps are missed or altered. A stable structure will protect the security of the contents and including the sample prep and return seamlessly into the design will also make sure the samples are secure and intact on arrival at the lab.


  1. Make it memorable

Chances are your testing kit may be the only physical touch point between you and your consumer, so it’s an opportunity not to be passed up. Maximise this asset to enrich the user experience, extend your brand and connect back to the digital space. Whether you include QR code for easy data entry on the app, or encouraging users to share their experience on social media – a quality unboxing with heighten the perceived value of your product and offer an opportunity for social sharing – who better to advocate for your brand than your existing customer base? 


This is a great opportunity to inject some personality into your products, whether your target is premium and luxury, or friendly and creative, this design tool is your chance to show people what you’re made of. Take this example from Thriva – we worked with them to build a packaging solution that was not only functional but an opportunity for playful engagement through social media and now it’s a core piece of the product offering.


You can download the Thriva case study here.


  1. Stay secure

Avoid over (or under) engineering your packaging. There can be a tendency to over think packaging solutions or worse, leave them to the last minute. You will find that a well-presented package can become an integral and expected piece of your product, and is something worth investing your time right from the start. While reviewing your packaging options make sure the integrity of your product is at the top of your list and keep in mind your postage costs too. While an oversized pack might look great on arrival it will cost you a fair few bob to ship, but likewise a jiffy bag might not be the most secure option for transit and it certainly won’t make a lasting impression. There’s a fine balance to be won here but done well a good investment in your packaging design will pay your back in test reliability, brand reputation and invaluable customer loyalty.


Author:  Alethea Price is the Marketing and PR Manager at Burgopak Packaging Design studio and joined the growing team in 2017. With a background in Psychology and Human Behaviour, she combines her fascination for human understanding and creativity to help brands express intention and purpose in everything they do.


About the Company 

Burgopak is a world leader in design and manufacture of innovative packaging for products of all shapes and sizes. With a highly creative and experienced collaborative team, we design to brief and bake sustainability into the process, offering guidance on the best materials, finishes and processes for your brand. We focus on ‘wow factor’, providing an engaging opening experience, creating a higher perceived value of your product with clever cardboard engineering, and making your life easier by managing the process right from conception to completion.

Contact Information, +44(0)20 7089 1950



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