IBM UK’s Chief Medical Officer, Mark Davies to discuss his Point of View - Emerging Smarter: Rethinking Healthcare on Tech Data's Healthcare Ecosystem Webinar
The current crisis has created a watershed moment for the NHS, demanding a reappraisal of how essential services are delivered to the public.
Many industries have already made the shift to enabling collaboration and innovation through more agile models of delivery and by embracing technologies. Health, on the other hand, until now, has introduced new technologies with the objective of improving existing pathways and service delivery models. There is now an opportunity to reimagine healthcare, driving true transformation enabled by digital capabilities.
This is about design-driven technology, not technology-driven design.
This webinar provides an opportunity for our Healthcare Ecosystem partners to hear from Mark and discuss their thoughts.
The PoV can be found here.
Date: Thursday 15th October 2020
Time: 3 - 4pm.
Registration here.